The Ancient Mediterranean Animals Network is a research network for scholars working on any aspect of ancient animal studies in the UK, created to foster conversations between scholars working in ancient animal studies which can lead the research field in new and innovative directions. Our members include archaeologists, environmental historians, ancient world historians and literary scholars; any UK-based researcher with an interest in the animals of the ancient Mediterranean is welcome to join us.
Members can add their details to the database of current projects, publicising their current research, and can access our private forums for discussion and work-in-progress papers.
We maintain a list of current members of AMAN-UK and their research projects and interests which you can access on our Members page.
AMAN-UK hosts two online research seminars on interdisciplinary themes within ancient animal studies each year.
Our first seminar will take place on 7th March 2024, when Professor Christophe Chandezon (Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier) will speak on A Continental Perspective: How Animals Took Their Place in Ancient History.
For further details and link to the seminar, see our Events page.
AMAN-UK Advisory Group
- Dr Sian Lewis
- Professor Emma Aston
- Professor Thorsten Fögen
- Dr Eva Panagiotakopulu
- Professor Umberto Albarella